As a Main Street America™ Accredited program, we put a grassroots spin on the Main Street “Four Point Approach” to suit the unique context of the Downtown Hopewell Historic District.
The National Main Street Center enables communities to revitalize downtown and neighborhood business districts by leveraging local assets – from historic, cultural, and architectural resources to local enterprises and community pride. It is a comprehensive strategy that addresses the variety of issues and problems that challenge traditional commercial districts. Over the past 40 years, the Main Street movement has galvanized thousands of volunteers and changed the way governments, planners, developers, and communities view preservation and think about the revitalization and management of their downtowns.
The Main Street “Four Point Approach” is a nationally trademarked model for revitalizing historic downtown districts and one of the most successful economic development models in the country. Our objectives mirror the “Four Points” and include the following components:

Strengthen the downtown district’s existing economic base, seek ways to introduce new types of commerce suitable for a downtown venue, and convert underutilized space into productive uses.

Promote the enhanced physical appearance of the district by capitalizing on its assets, rehabilitating historic buildings, encouraging supportive new construction, and beautifying the streetscape.

Market the downtown district’s image and unique qualities to potential customers, investors, new businesses, local citizens, and visitors through effective strategies, branding, and special events.