Why is Downtown Important?

For the past 60 years, our nation has focused on an auto-centric suburban sprawl mentality that has presented enormous challenges in respect to the environment, the country’s infrastructure, and the overall quality of life.

Many Americans are starting to recognize that a shift is needed, especially in light of the dire economic choices this country now faces. Consumer preferences and where they choose to live are beginning to change so they don’t rely so heavily on unsustainable resources.


According to the latest research, the trend is going back to “downtown living” because it is more sustainable and simply more enjoyable. Hopewell’s size, location, and history make it an ideal community to capitalize on these new trends and help pave the way for the future of this city.

Home Buyers Look To Suburban Downtowns

Of people surveyed who thought they would purchase a house in the next three years, 61% were more likely to look for a home in a smart growth, pedestrian-friendly community with shorter commute times, local shopping and sidewalks—than in a sprawling community.

A Significant Shortage Of Suburban Downtown Housing

Demographers estimate that as much as 30% of current demand for housing is in dense, walkable, mixed-use communities, but less than 2% of new housing falls into this category. While an abundant supply of housing options exists within larger urban centers, there remains tremendous scarcity of more intimate walkable neighborhoods associated with suburban downtowns.

College Grads Choose Location Then Find Job

Today’s recent college graduates and young professionals are making different lifestyle choices compared to past generations. Nearly 66% reported they will decide first where to live, and then look for a job within that area.


Hopewell is in a rare position to re-brand itself and capitalize on these emerging trends. The timing is now and together we can create a community that people will be drawn to, not only to visit, but to live.

Find out how you can get involved.

©2025 Hopewell Downtown Partnership. | Registered 501(c)(3). EIN: 26-1282648 | Site by Hofbauer Consulting


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