We are excited to announce that we will be hiring soon! We received a grant from the Cameron Foundation that will help us expand our organization and better serve the Hopewell community. Read more by clicking here.
Cameron Grant Expands Capacity
Why do You Love Hopewell?
Stacey Henderson, , Latest News, 0
We are encouraging community members to express why you love Hopewell! We will have conversation hearts for sale...
2018: A Year in Review
Stacey Henderson, , Latest News, 0
2018 was a “Year of New” in Downtown Hopewell with new businesses opening, new events, and buildings getting rehabbed!...
Ignite Hopewell Recap
hopeadmin, , Event Recap, Latest News, 0
Ignite Hopewell brought many unique speakers from all over Hopewell presenting on topics ranging from Seaplanes to Urban Gardens....
Downtown Under Construction!
hopeadmin, , Latest News, 0
The revitalization of Downtown requires a comprehensive approach that addresses many aspects. One of the most important points is the...
MakerSpace Survey
Darya Gorlova, , Latest News, 0
Please click here to take the MakerSpace Survey. Calling all Makers, Bakers, Artisans, Woodworkers, Food Trucks, Metalworkers and other...
Hopewell Making a Comeback!
hopeadmin, , Latest News, 0
HOPEWELL, VA (WWBT) - The Beacon Theater is proving to be a beacon of light in Hopewell. The theater just...
Get Your Butts to Broadway Recap
hopeadmin, , Event Recap, Latest News, 0
Check out our video recap of our inaugural amateur Pork Butt Cooking Competition! HDP Pork Butt Festival from CBO...
Wonder City Bakery
hopeadmin, , Latest News, 0
Wonder City Bakery soon to open in downtown Hopewell Hopewell, VA – Another new business will make its home...